Sunday, October 01, 2006

Considered Community Opinions :

Such Opinions may be offerred by any of those who objectively
critique the issues at hand, and will therefore be ongoing.
These opinions will be the views of the individual writers
and should not be assumed to represent the official position
of any groups which the writers are members of.
The below opinions (in draft) will be up from monday october 30

Community Opinion will be offered by the dpdummyguide Ladies Team

Transportation Opinion will be offered by Brian Griffiths of CAPOW

Sustainability Opinion will be offered by Christopher Wragge of WISDG

Wetlands and Catchments Opinion will be offered by Tony King-Turner of WIWI

Plan Structure Opinion will be offered by Pita Rikys of WISDG

Hauraki Gulf Marine Park Act Opinion will be offered by
Jay Clarke of GDPA and Pita Rikys of WISDG

Landscape Protection and Village History Opinion will be
offered by Denis Powell and Jay Clarke of GDPA

Plan History Opinion will be offered by Jay Clarke of GDPA

Heritage Opinion will be offered by Leith Duncan